Shards of hearts

Vivid pictures are painted with a person’s actions, their effects are more profound than scriptures, actions have a voice which speak louder than a speaker. Reduce the noise to avoid seduction. Actions show us who people really are, look through the frosted glass to see who truly cares for your heart! Once you still your mind and reconnect with yourself to peer through the misted glass of seductive words, you will see scheming demons aiming at your heart. As they shoot their shot the glass breaks around you. It’s too late to flinch, too late to think. Your soul freezes as you watch your heart shatter like the glass, Shards of hearts fall to the floor exposing your soul to a pain that is so raw it almost cripples you!

Do you drop to your knees in a desperate attempt to gather the shards and stop the inevitable pain or do you stand, naked for the world to see your inner workings! Sometimes you need to lose yourself to find yourself again. Sometimes death of a way of life births a new way of life. Sometimes building from the rubble of destruction serves you well when building from the ground up. Don’t let this world ruin you, use the pain to push you further, just keep doing you.